Meant to do this yesterday but I had to go to Chillicothe and work.
this past weekend:
Friday the kids and I just chilled at the house.
On Saturday my parents picked up the kids and I headed to the RVCC Women's Retreat Reveal. The guest speaker at the retreat was Becky McDonald from WAR International. She opened our eyes to the world of sex trafficking and at women at risk. It was a very good day. As part of the schedule we had different stations we could do throughout the day. I think my favorite station was the prayer thru art station. We were able to paint. The whole day was really great. But I think that the best part of the day were the gals at my table. We had a great time sharing with each other.
Sunday I went to both services. Becky spoke at both services and did a great job. Lunch was had at Freds with some great friends we had not be able to spend time with in a while. Eli had a Chrysalis meeting so I went home and relaxed. Youth in the evening and then some visiting with my parents when they dropped the kid off. It was a good weekend.
where i am:
Sitting on the couch while waiting for the lawn service to get here.
what's up with Ellie:
Ellie had a great time with her grandparents this weekend. She has a cold with a nasty cough right now. Dance pictures are tomorrow.
what's up with Silas:
Silas' language is growing quickly. And we can understand more and more every day.
what's up with baby:
Baby Roogles is growing. My appetite has slowed down a lot. I go to the doctor today. And the fetal age ultrasound is scheduled for May 1st.
my to-do list this week:
Well my schedule for the week has changed quite a bit. But Ellie has dance pictures on Wednesday evening. But I think that's all I have going on for the week.
book i’m reading:
Right now our girls group, reaL is reading the book "What's up with Boys?" by Crystal Kirgiss. I am going to try to start the book "Sin Boldly" by Cathleen Falsani.
how i’m feeling about this week:
I think my week is going to be filled with stress and worry.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
It has begun! We are trying to downsize our stuff. We have so much that we haven't used or looked at for years. So it's time to get rid of it. With the new baby coming we have to make room.
So far we have sold our chest freezer and a glide rocker. I am currently trying to sell our old couch and soon will try to sell our Kitchen Table. We do plan on buying another kitchen table with the money we have made from the freezer and the couch. The table we found is at Ikea. It has drop leaves on both ends of the table so it folds down into a pretty small table that will take up a lot less space. I am excited to get everything gone so we can rearrange and get ready for the baby.
We are also looking to get rid of a toddler bed and mattress because we found bunk beds that are perfect for the kids. Of course we found those at Ikea also.
We are shooting at having a yard sale on May 16th. And if need be another one the beginning of June.
I am getting very excited at creating a room for the kids to have as a bedroom with no toys.
I would like to do some painting at some point if I'm allowed.
So far we have sold our chest freezer and a glide rocker. I am currently trying to sell our old couch and soon will try to sell our Kitchen Table. We do plan on buying another kitchen table with the money we have made from the freezer and the couch. The table we found is at Ikea. It has drop leaves on both ends of the table so it folds down into a pretty small table that will take up a lot less space. I am excited to get everything gone so we can rearrange and get ready for the baby.
We are also looking to get rid of a toddler bed and mattress because we found bunk beds that are perfect for the kids. Of course we found those at Ikea also.
We are shooting at having a yard sale on May 16th. And if need be another one the beginning of June.
I am getting very excited at creating a room for the kids to have as a bedroom with no toys.
I would like to do some painting at some point if I'm allowed.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Can we do it??
Some of you have ask. Yes the kids and I did this. It was fairly easy because we were at home all day. But Ellie and I took the trash to the road and got the mail. And I took stuff to the storage shed. So we experienced being without shoes but really didn't suffer. It hurt walking in the gravel but there were no cuts and it wasn't too bad.

Ellie and I are going to do this. The problem being is that we usually don't go anywhere on Thursday's. If anything all we do is walk to the mailbox to get the mail. Maybe if it's nice we can go to the park or go on a walk.

Ellie and I are going to do this. The problem being is that we usually don't go anywhere on Thursday's. If anything all we do is walk to the mailbox to get the mail. Maybe if it's nice we can go to the park or go on a walk.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday, April 13th
this past weekend:
Wow what a weekend it was. I feel like my weekend started on Thursday even though I had to work on Friday. I headed to the outlet malls with some friends Thursday night, I had a great time.
Friday I worked in Chillicothe. We made Easter cupcakes this afternoon. Can I just say I did a great job, they were so yummy! Watch out Martha! Friday night we had a Tenebrae service at church. I need to remember that I can't take my kids to these things so I just need to stay at home. How sad cause I think I would have enjoyed it. Oh well I guess the joys of being a mom. Then we went home and made homemade pizza and calzones, yummy!
Saturday was the big RVCC Easter Egg Hunt. It was chilly but no complaining at least it wasn't snowing like last year. After the egg hunt I went home and edited pics and video to upload. Then it was time to start cooking. I made a Mandarin Orange Cake, Broccoli casserole, and Country Potato Bake. They were all yummy. I got a new cookbook when I went shopping and all the dishes I made came out of that.
Sunday morning started very early. Up at 4:30 to get ready. After getting some pics of the kids we were off to the sunrise service at Bristol Park. It was really chilly but the service was nice. I enjoyed it more than I did last year. We have a tradition of going to Bob Evans afterwards, yummy! Then it was home to see if the Easter Bunny stopped to see us. I really like celebrating Jesus before the Easter Bunny comes and wrecks the day with his goodies! No he doesn't wreck the day it just seems that nothing else can be accomplished after the bunny comes. We headed to church for first service. Steve's message was really good! And Worship was great! Then it was home to finish up the dishes for the in laws house. We picked up Eli and headed to his parents. Lunch was eaten and then it was time to egg hunt. I think a good day was had by all. Shew, I'm tired!
where i am:
At home watching John and Kate plus Eight while everyone plays.
what's up with Ellie:
Dance recital is coming quickly! She had a great weekend. She loved having Valerie around for cupcakes and egg hunting. Bailey helped Ellie open her eggs at the egg hunt and she had a great time with her. She is currently playing with the Tinkerbell Doll that the Easter Bunny brought her. I am hoping to get her to blog in a few about her weekend. She looked so pretty Sunday morning, I can't believe how quickly she is growing.
what's up with Silas:
Silas had an interesting weekend. He did really well at the Tenebrae service with the exception of a very loud growl. Saturday at the egg hunt he was so eager to hunt eggs and he had a hard time waiting. I explained to him what was going to happen that Marty was going to say 1,2,3 go and they could start hunting eggs. Well we were standing there waiting and all the sudden Silas is running out on the field and I realized that he had stood beside me and counted 1,2,3 go and he started hunting eggs. It was really cute. He was so tired Sunday, he did not want to smile for pictures. He had a great time at MaMa and Papa's.
what's up with baby:
Baby Roogles is still growing. I am 17 1/2 weeks. I think that we have settled on a girls name but are still in debate about the boys name. I had to move my fetal age ultrasound cause I will be in Chicago when the first one was scheduled. So the new one is scheduled for May 1st.
my to-do list this week:
Umm Clean! I also need to start cleaning out the middle room to make room for the baby. My parents are coming at some point to watch the kids so I can go to the Women's Retreat at RVCC.
book i’m reading:
Right now our girls group, reaL is reading the book "What's up with Boys?" by Crystal Kirgiss. I am going to try to start the book "Sin Boldly" by Cathleen Falsani.
how i’m feeling about this week:
Relaxed, i think.
Wow what a weekend it was. I feel like my weekend started on Thursday even though I had to work on Friday. I headed to the outlet malls with some friends Thursday night, I had a great time.
Friday I worked in Chillicothe. We made Easter cupcakes this afternoon. Can I just say I did a great job, they were so yummy! Watch out Martha! Friday night we had a Tenebrae service at church. I need to remember that I can't take my kids to these things so I just need to stay at home. How sad cause I think I would have enjoyed it. Oh well I guess the joys of being a mom. Then we went home and made homemade pizza and calzones, yummy!
Saturday was the big RVCC Easter Egg Hunt. It was chilly but no complaining at least it wasn't snowing like last year. After the egg hunt I went home and edited pics and video to upload. Then it was time to start cooking. I made a Mandarin Orange Cake, Broccoli casserole, and Country Potato Bake. They were all yummy. I got a new cookbook when I went shopping and all the dishes I made came out of that.
Sunday morning started very early. Up at 4:30 to get ready. After getting some pics of the kids we were off to the sunrise service at Bristol Park. It was really chilly but the service was nice. I enjoyed it more than I did last year. We have a tradition of going to Bob Evans afterwards, yummy! Then it was home to see if the Easter Bunny stopped to see us. I really like celebrating Jesus before the Easter Bunny comes and wrecks the day with his goodies! No he doesn't wreck the day it just seems that nothing else can be accomplished after the bunny comes. We headed to church for first service. Steve's message was really good! And Worship was great! Then it was home to finish up the dishes for the in laws house. We picked up Eli and headed to his parents. Lunch was eaten and then it was time to egg hunt. I think a good day was had by all. Shew, I'm tired!
where i am:
At home watching John and Kate plus Eight while everyone plays.
what's up with Ellie:
Dance recital is coming quickly! She had a great weekend. She loved having Valerie around for cupcakes and egg hunting. Bailey helped Ellie open her eggs at the egg hunt and she had a great time with her. She is currently playing with the Tinkerbell Doll that the Easter Bunny brought her. I am hoping to get her to blog in a few about her weekend. She looked so pretty Sunday morning, I can't believe how quickly she is growing.
what's up with Silas:
Silas had an interesting weekend. He did really well at the Tenebrae service with the exception of a very loud growl. Saturday at the egg hunt he was so eager to hunt eggs and he had a hard time waiting. I explained to him what was going to happen that Marty was going to say 1,2,3 go and they could start hunting eggs. Well we were standing there waiting and all the sudden Silas is running out on the field and I realized that he had stood beside me and counted 1,2,3 go and he started hunting eggs. It was really cute. He was so tired Sunday, he did not want to smile for pictures. He had a great time at MaMa and Papa's.
what's up with baby:
Baby Roogles is still growing. I am 17 1/2 weeks. I think that we have settled on a girls name but are still in debate about the boys name. I had to move my fetal age ultrasound cause I will be in Chicago when the first one was scheduled. So the new one is scheduled for May 1st.
my to-do list this week:
Umm Clean! I also need to start cleaning out the middle room to make room for the baby. My parents are coming at some point to watch the kids so I can go to the Women's Retreat at RVCC.
book i’m reading:
Right now our girls group, reaL is reading the book "What's up with Boys?" by Crystal Kirgiss. I am going to try to start the book "Sin Boldly" by Cathleen Falsani.
how i’m feeling about this week:
Relaxed, i think.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
Monday, April 6, 2009
Monday, April 6
this past weekend:
This past weekend was interesting. I left on Friday and drove Ellie and Sials to my parents in Belpre, where they stayed for the weekend. Shortly after Eli got home we packed up and headed to Cincy for the night. We went to the Rock Bottom Brewery for dinner. I was so excited, I really like that place. We were able to have the rootbeer this time. The last time we were there they were out. We got soft pretzels as an appetizer, they were very yummy. Then came the mistake, I ordered Mac and Cheese. A great dish but mac and cheese doesn't taste right when I'm pregnant. So I ate some of the chicken out of it but not much. So we had leftovers. While we were eating our app. a man walk by outside the looked to be having a rough time. I quietly thought if we have leftovers I hope that man is outside when we leave. We finished up and walked out side and rounded the corner and there he was. So we went to check out the situation. The man's shoes and pants were too big, he had a hole in the butt of his pants and he had no underwear on. As I approached him to ask if he was hungry I could see the snot dripping from his nose. I wish I would have had some tissues on me. I also wish that I would have had some plastic forks with em. He ended up with quite a bit of mac and cheese, rice and green beans. Not the best foods to eat with your fingers.
We went back to the hotel and settled in for the night. Saturday morning we headed to a church to particpate in a stations of the cross that our friend Lilly had put together. It was a really neat experience. But to fast forward a bit, it wasn't till Sunday morning during worship at River Valley that it all kind of sunk in. I think I was a little nervous on Saturday.
So rewind- we then headed to IKEA for some perusing. Oh my we were in there for hours, but it was fun. We found some things that were great deals but we also found the kids bunk beds and a new kitchen table. The table we found is perfect for our house, it maximizes space. We have to take a truck back next time we go.
A quick lunch at Chick-fil-a and we were headed back to Piketon. We spent 30 minutes at home and then headed to Chillicothe for A Night of Hope. It was a great evening and mfe rocked. It was great that they could raise so much money for such a great organization.
Sunday was church, I taught Sunday School second service. The afternoon was filled with lunch and relaxing. Then it was back to River Valley for the Palm Sunday service. It was a good service.
where i am:
Sitting on the couch. Watching the kids color on their new easel while watching Oswald.
what's up with Ellie:
Ellie has a dance recital coming up. She thinks she should have dance class everyday. She was sick this past weekend while at my parents. If I had know she was going to get sick and hour after i dropped them off then I never would have taken them. i think she had a good time though. She was able to play with her cousin Blake, which is always a highlight for her.
what's up with Silas:
Silas is saying more and more everyday that I can understand. He has started throwing fits about everything. It's a little crazy. Silas is so loving. He has hugged me tons today. I think maybe he missed me this weekend.
what's up with baby:
I am 16 1/2 weeks. I actually saw my belly move. I am getting excited to find out the gender. I think we have a girls name picked but we are still debating about the boys name.
my to-do list this week:
Get ready for Easter. I have a project that I am working on. I need to get pictures ordered for the scrap booking weekend coming up. I am watching Paul Mon-Wed. this week and doing laundry on Tuesday and Friday. We have the Tenebrae service Friday night at church. Then Saturday is the Easter egg hunt.
book i’m reading:
Right now our girls group, reaL is reading the book "What's up with Boys?" by Crystal Kirgiss.
how i’m feeling about this week:
Well if this week is anything like the way today has started then never mind I'll skip this week. I didn't feel good physically when I woke up that subsided but then well it just got worse emotionally and I'm not having the greatest day.
This past weekend was interesting. I left on Friday and drove Ellie and Sials to my parents in Belpre, where they stayed for the weekend. Shortly after Eli got home we packed up and headed to Cincy for the night. We went to the Rock Bottom Brewery for dinner. I was so excited, I really like that place. We were able to have the rootbeer this time. The last time we were there they were out. We got soft pretzels as an appetizer, they were very yummy. Then came the mistake, I ordered Mac and Cheese. A great dish but mac and cheese doesn't taste right when I'm pregnant. So I ate some of the chicken out of it but not much. So we had leftovers. While we were eating our app. a man walk by outside the looked to be having a rough time. I quietly thought if we have leftovers I hope that man is outside when we leave. We finished up and walked out side and rounded the corner and there he was. So we went to check out the situation. The man's shoes and pants were too big, he had a hole in the butt of his pants and he had no underwear on. As I approached him to ask if he was hungry I could see the snot dripping from his nose. I wish I would have had some tissues on me. I also wish that I would have had some plastic forks with em. He ended up with quite a bit of mac and cheese, rice and green beans. Not the best foods to eat with your fingers.
We went back to the hotel and settled in for the night. Saturday morning we headed to a church to particpate in a stations of the cross that our friend Lilly had put together. It was a really neat experience. But to fast forward a bit, it wasn't till Sunday morning during worship at River Valley that it all kind of sunk in. I think I was a little nervous on Saturday.
So rewind- we then headed to IKEA for some perusing. Oh my we were in there for hours, but it was fun. We found some things that were great deals but we also found the kids bunk beds and a new kitchen table. The table we found is perfect for our house, it maximizes space. We have to take a truck back next time we go.
A quick lunch at Chick-fil-a and we were headed back to Piketon. We spent 30 minutes at home and then headed to Chillicothe for A Night of Hope. It was a great evening and mfe rocked. It was great that they could raise so much money for such a great organization.
Sunday was church, I taught Sunday School second service. The afternoon was filled with lunch and relaxing. Then it was back to River Valley for the Palm Sunday service. It was a good service.
where i am:
Sitting on the couch. Watching the kids color on their new easel while watching Oswald.
what's up with Ellie:
Ellie has a dance recital coming up. She thinks she should have dance class everyday. She was sick this past weekend while at my parents. If I had know she was going to get sick and hour after i dropped them off then I never would have taken them. i think she had a good time though. She was able to play with her cousin Blake, which is always a highlight for her.
what's up with Silas:
Silas is saying more and more everyday that I can understand. He has started throwing fits about everything. It's a little crazy. Silas is so loving. He has hugged me tons today. I think maybe he missed me this weekend.
what's up with baby:
I am 16 1/2 weeks. I actually saw my belly move. I am getting excited to find out the gender. I think we have a girls name picked but we are still debating about the boys name.
my to-do list this week:
Get ready for Easter. I have a project that I am working on. I need to get pictures ordered for the scrap booking weekend coming up. I am watching Paul Mon-Wed. this week and doing laundry on Tuesday and Friday. We have the Tenebrae service Friday night at church. Then Saturday is the Easter egg hunt.
book i’m reading:
Right now our girls group, reaL is reading the book "What's up with Boys?" by Crystal Kirgiss.
how i’m feeling about this week:
Well if this week is anything like the way today has started then never mind I'll skip this week. I didn't feel good physically when I woke up that subsided but then well it just got worse emotionally and I'm not having the greatest day.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Are we upside down?
**Disclaimer: I am not saying that I am not proud to be an American. So don't go there. I cry when we sing the national anthem, even at football games.
Some days I wonder if things aren't all upside down in the US. We have come a long way but we still have so far to go. Women can vote, all races have equal rights, public slavery is gone, ect...
But we have people dieing on our streets, we have children that go to school without a coat and go to bed hungry at night, we have a large amount of debt that keeps growing, there are many more things that I could list.
We are part of a world where: human genocide happens regularly, people are dying from hunger, war WAR war, human beings live in landfills and garbage dumps, and women and children are used as sex slaves.
I understand all the arguments about taking care of our own. And I want to and try to help where and when I can here in the US.
How can we stand back and watch as countries kill off people for no reason, women are forced to have sex, children are abused physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I can't watch this happen. I try to help when and where I can. I do not have the resources to hop on a plain and travel to another country to be a crusader for the cause. So I have to do what I can from here in my home. I'm not saying everyone should feel the way I do.
I am proud to live in a country where I can be free. Free to love, free to choose, free to worship, and free to be me. I am proud of that! I am thankful that I have people that are courageous to fight for us. I am not saying war is right or wrong. But I do think our freedom needs to be protected.
But I wonder how...why...
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