Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday, April 21

Meant to do this yesterday but I had to go to Chillicothe and work.

this past weekend:
Friday the kids and I just chilled at the house.
On Saturday my parents picked up the kids and I headed to the RVCC Women's Retreat Reveal. The guest speaker at the retreat was Becky McDonald from WAR International. She opened our eyes to the world of sex trafficking and at women at risk. It was a very good day. As part of the schedule we had different stations we could do throughout the day. I think my favorite station was the prayer thru art station. We were able to paint. The whole day was really great. But I think that the best part of the day were the gals at my table. We had a great time sharing with each other.
Sunday I went to both services. Becky spoke at both services and did a great job. Lunch was had at Freds with some great friends we had not be able to spend time with in a while. Eli had a Chrysalis meeting so I went home and relaxed. Youth in the evening and then some visiting with my parents when they dropped the kid off. It was a good weekend.

where i am:
Sitting on the couch while waiting for the lawn service to get here.

what's up with Ellie:
Ellie had a great time with her grandparents this weekend. She has a cold with a nasty cough right now. Dance pictures are tomorrow.

what's up with Silas:
Silas' language is growing quickly. And we can understand more and more every day.

what's up with baby:
Baby Roogles is growing. My appetite has slowed down a lot. I go to the doctor today. And the fetal age ultrasound is scheduled for May 1st.

my to-do list this week:
Well my schedule for the week has changed quite a bit. But Ellie has dance pictures on Wednesday evening. But I think that's all I have going on for the week.

book i’m reading:
Right now our girls group, reaL is reading the book "What's up with Boys?" by Crystal Kirgiss. I am going to try to start the book "Sin Boldly" by Cathleen Falsani.

how i’m feeling about this week:
I think my week is going to be filled with stress and worry.

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