Oh dear from the news or Farrah Fawcett to the storm last night it was a long day and night and not much sleep was had at the Roogles Ranch.
Farrah Fawcett, what a sad thing to see happen to someone. Some people are so upset because they seem to be making her death so public but we need to remember that this is the road she chose. From early on she chose to do a video blog of her fight and then put it into a documentary for all to see. How brave of her to share all her thoughts, trials, and fight with us. Maybe by this one will get early detection and make it. I am sure that would fill her heart. Her battle takes me back to December of 04 when I was admitted to a hospital with internal bleeding. I am so thankful through all the testing and the colonoscopy that nothing was found it was just something that happened with no real ryhme or reason. I am thankful that I didn't have to go through what she has and pray that it will never happen again and that I will not have to travel down that road. A little secret about me: It's something I think about often and pray about.
Then we have the death of Michael Jackson. Wow what a shock, not that for years he didn't look like the life had been sucked out of him but he died! I can remember laying on the floor in front of the record player with the BIG headphones on listening to the Thriller album and singing along. I would do this for hours. I can remember doing baton routines to his music. Oh and the movie Thriller, I can remember watching it at school. We all gathered in the school library to watch it. At slumber parties we would make up dances to his songs. I can remember the sparkly single glove I had, and I even had sparkly socks. I remember always wanting one of those leather jackets, you know the one I am talking about. Oh and how could anyone forget the Moonwalk. And his hair catching on fire. I remember the song We are the World. Even at a young age it brought me to tears. Don't laugh, listen to the words! As I grew older Mr. Jackson become well interesting and for most odd. And most of us stopped following him as we once did. What a history he has and his history has touched most of our lives in some way. Hearing the news of his death was shocking. Not that I sat and cried as some did but a bit of my childhood is dead. Oh the memories.
We had some great friends over last night for some chinese food and great conversations. We had a good time and I even scored a foot and leg rub. I love my friends and I love that they love my children and understand that they are 4 and 2. THey understand why they act the way they do sometimes and they don't expect too much out of them. I love that they speak to them with respecct! They do speak to them with sarcasim and expect them to be little grown ups.
We seemed to end the night with quiet a bang! We had a terriable storm come through. At approx. 1:30 here came the kids. Silas saying "Daddy, I cared. You hear hat? Lightening care me." Bless his heart, this is the first time him being like this in the middle of the night. We haven't had a whole lot of storms since he came along. But there he was as close to me as he could get with his eyes as wide open as he could get them. Ellie was also a little scared but I think as soon as she curled up with daddy she went right back to sleep. Not long after that happened Eli had to get up and take care of server problems. So for our house it was a short stormy night. And we are all very tired today!
Silas got up this morning and said with great excitment "Mommy huder gone."
Hopefully today will go smoothly.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Monday, June 22, 2009
Help Vote!!!!!!!!

Please help me vote for my Friends The Marty Ford Experience. They have the great opportunity to open for Big Daddy Weave on July 11th. They auditioned this past Saturday and were picked as one of the top 3 bands and now it's up to us to vote for them The band with the most votes wins. You have until Midnight on June 29th to vote. All you have to do is go to this site and email the email address at the end of the blog stating that you are voting for The Marty Ford Experience.
Thank you so much for your vote I know this means a lot to the guys in the band.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Happy Father's Day!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Shopping with Silas
Yesterday Paul went to spend the day with his Grandma. So it was just Silas and I all day. After the Schwan's man came and stocked my freezer we headed to Chillicothe.
Let me just say quickly, if the Schwan's man comes your way get the funnel cake fries, AMAZING!!!
First Silas and I had lunch with Daddy. We had a good peaceful lunch and Buffalo WIld Wings. Then it was off to take daddy back to work. After daddy was back at work we headed to the Toy Store. Silas loved it. We had fun looking at toys and playing. And I got out of there with no new toys! We, I, decided I wanted to walk down to Ivy's and look at the Vera Bradley bags. I mainly wanted to check out the Baby Bag. Well on the way to Ivy's we walked by Hourglass Traditions, which is going out of buisness. Everything in the store is between 60-75% off. I wanted to go in just to see if they happened to have any Willow Tree figurines left. Instead we found some other goodies. Silas found a TY dog toy that he insisted on buying because it looked like Oscar. He hasn't put it down since we left, he even slept with it last night, a good $1.25 spent. We also found some other TY stuffed animals that we thought we needed. Silas found another dog he wanted and insisted on buying Ellie a cat. We also got Lilly a purple hippo to cuddle with. Then we found something to get Ellie for her Birthday. I had already purchased something for her months ago but I knew she would love this so we got it. I got 2 TY dolls and 6 outfits to change them into for 10 bucks. So Ellie's birthday presents are covered now. After we were done in Hourglass we headed to Ivy's. The baby bag was not what I expected. I didn't like the lining on the inside. Ivy's was having an amazing sale on the Vera's. There were select styles and patterns that were 40% off and yes I bought one for me. Maybe I shouldn't have but I did. I really like it I got the zig zag in the purple punch print, which is my new favorite print. A good day of shopping was had!!
We got daddy a special pick me up treat to get him thru the rest of the day and then we headed to the dr. I arrived there at 3:45, my appointment was at 4:10. I like to be early! I was put in a room at 4:20 and then at 5:10 they came in the room and said that the dr. had been called up to deliver a baby. ARRGGG!!!!! I could stay and wait if I wanted but they couldn't tell me how long it would be. I am not angry at the Dr. or the nurses but why would they schedule the Dr. on call appointments?? I feel like they should not keep women waiting for hours because a dr. had to go deliver a baby. There are enough dr.'s in that practice that they can have two dr.'s taking appointments and one dr. on call instead of 2 dr's taking appointments and one of those two being on call. Anyways that's my rant for the moment!
When all is said and down we had a good day that ended with Pizza and Silas trying to dance like the people on "So You Think You Can Dance." It was so cute I should have taken some video.
Let me just say quickly, if the Schwan's man comes your way get the funnel cake fries, AMAZING!!!
First Silas and I had lunch with Daddy. We had a good peaceful lunch and Buffalo WIld Wings. Then it was off to take daddy back to work. After daddy was back at work we headed to the Toy Store. Silas loved it. We had fun looking at toys and playing. And I got out of there with no new toys! We, I, decided I wanted to walk down to Ivy's and look at the Vera Bradley bags. I mainly wanted to check out the Baby Bag. Well on the way to Ivy's we walked by Hourglass Traditions, which is going out of buisness. Everything in the store is between 60-75% off. I wanted to go in just to see if they happened to have any Willow Tree figurines left. Instead we found some other goodies. Silas found a TY dog toy that he insisted on buying because it looked like Oscar. He hasn't put it down since we left, he even slept with it last night, a good $1.25 spent. We also found some other TY stuffed animals that we thought we needed. Silas found another dog he wanted and insisted on buying Ellie a cat. We also got Lilly a purple hippo to cuddle with. Then we found something to get Ellie for her Birthday. I had already purchased something for her months ago but I knew she would love this so we got it. I got 2 TY dolls and 6 outfits to change them into for 10 bucks. So Ellie's birthday presents are covered now. After we were done in Hourglass we headed to Ivy's. The baby bag was not what I expected. I didn't like the lining on the inside. Ivy's was having an amazing sale on the Vera's. There were select styles and patterns that were 40% off and yes I bought one for me. Maybe I shouldn't have but I did. I really like it I got the zig zag in the purple punch print, which is my new favorite print. A good day of shopping was had!!
We got daddy a special pick me up treat to get him thru the rest of the day and then we headed to the dr. I arrived there at 3:45, my appointment was at 4:10. I like to be early! I was put in a room at 4:20 and then at 5:10 they came in the room and said that the dr. had been called up to deliver a baby. ARRGGG!!!!! I could stay and wait if I wanted but they couldn't tell me how long it would be. I am not angry at the Dr. or the nurses but why would they schedule the Dr. on call appointments?? I feel like they should not keep women waiting for hours because a dr. had to go deliver a baby. There are enough dr.'s in that practice that they can have two dr.'s taking appointments and one dr. on call instead of 2 dr's taking appointments and one of those two being on call. Anyways that's my rant for the moment!
When all is said and down we had a good day that ended with Pizza and Silas trying to dance like the people on "So You Think You Can Dance." It was so cute I should have taken some video.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The first night in the bunk beds
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Quotes I like
These are some quotes that Ann Curry twittered that I really liked. I thought I would share them.
"How do we keep our love secret? We speak from brow to brow and hear with our eyes." -Rumi
"Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames."-Rumi
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Rumi
"How do we keep our love secret? We speak from brow to brow and hear with our eyes." -Rumi
"Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames."-Rumi
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” Rumi
Monday, June 1, 2009
The insanity that is.
This past week has been insane. I thought I would put these two blogs into one.
My kids are currently with out a bedroom or beds. I am working as hard as I can but it is just not getting finished as rapidly as I like. So for the time they are sleeping in different places in the house. The evening in the picture below we had some friends over to watch a movie so we put the kids in our bed to start with. When we went in to move them this is what we found.

They are so precious. They wanted to read books before they went to sleep. Ellie sat in the bed and read to Silas until they both passed out.
So we had a Massive Yard Sale. We sold maybe 1/2 the stuff. I tried to put it in the newspaper but when I called the lady told me "well we changed the deadline date this week." So I made signs and hung them up all over Waverly and Piketon. We had a really good turn out. I got up at 4:40 that morning to get signs out, get stuff set up and make a walmart run. At about 9:30 I lost steam and we just stopped getting stuff out. I didn't even get everything set up that I had to put out. But to spite all that we sold a lot and made enough money to get the kids bunk beds, mattresses, bunkie boards, and a couple bed sets. Oh and we had a little left over. We are hoping to have another sale after I recover from this one. Here are a couple of pics I took of the set up.

The kids did such a good job. There was no complaining about what was sold. They just played and had a big time.

My kids are currently with out a bedroom or beds. I am working as hard as I can but it is just not getting finished as rapidly as I like. So for the time they are sleeping in different places in the house. The evening in the picture below we had some friends over to watch a movie so we put the kids in our bed to start with. When we went in to move them this is what we found.
They are so precious. They wanted to read books before they went to sleep. Ellie sat in the bed and read to Silas until they both passed out.
So we had a Massive Yard Sale. We sold maybe 1/2 the stuff. I tried to put it in the newspaper but when I called the lady told me "well we changed the deadline date this week." So I made signs and hung them up all over Waverly and Piketon. We had a really good turn out. I got up at 4:40 that morning to get signs out, get stuff set up and make a walmart run. At about 9:30 I lost steam and we just stopped getting stuff out. I didn't even get everything set up that I had to put out. But to spite all that we sold a lot and made enough money to get the kids bunk beds, mattresses, bunkie boards, and a couple bed sets. Oh and we had a little left over. We are hoping to have another sale after I recover from this one. Here are a couple of pics I took of the set up.
The kids did such a good job. There was no complaining about what was sold. They just played and had a big time.
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