We drove to Columbus and headed straight to the Barnes and Noble to get our tickets. After we had tickets in hand we had time to kill. The Pioneer Woman wasn't scheduled to be there until 2 PM. So Juli and I headed out to make some essential Columbus stops.
Once our stops were made we headed to The North Market. I had never been there. WOW, what an experience. The market was very busy today. It was very hard to move around and see all that the vendors had to offer. While we were there we had some lunch. I had never had Sushi or Indian food so Juli talked me into trying it. I don't try a lot of new things so this really was a big deal. She ordered a California Roll which consists of crab, avocado, cucumber, rice, and nori. Juli also ordered a Dragon Roll. I am not sure what all is in it but I do know it has fresh water Eel in it.
The Sushi wasn't bad. I thought that it would be horrible and that I would hate it but I didn't.
We also got some Indian food but I cannot even begin to tell you what I got to eat. Here's a pic:
It wasn't bad but not my favorite.
While at The North Market we had to partake in dessert. I've never had Jeni's Ice Cream so it was a must. I tried several different kinds but settled on the Poached Pear Riesling. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! That is the best sorbet I have ever had. Juli said my face was priceless when I tried it. It was simply amazing. I often watch the show "Best Thing I Ever Ate" on Food Network. As I watch I often think there is nothing that I would be bragging about on this show. Well that changed today! I cannot describe to you how simply amazing this sorbet was. I can't stop thinking about it. It was soooooo AMAZING!
So while eating the amazing sorbet we headed back to the Barnes and Noble to meet The Pioneer Woman. When we go there it was so crazy. There were like 500-600 people in the store. When she walked it it was just an awesome moment. She is so beautiful! Her smile just glimmers. Luckily Juli and I had gotten there early to get a ticket. We only had to wait an hour in line. We were able to talk with her for a moment while she was signing our books. It was a precious moment. Here are some pics from Barnes and Noble:

What a splendid day it was.