Boy did she surprise me tonight. She knew all the words she was supposed to sing and she did pretty good for her age, but I am a little partial to her. She knew when to start singing and everything. She had some distractions but she's 4, that happens.
Her is a picture of her singing.
When she got up there with no inhibitions and sang her little heart out I lost it. My little girl is growing up to fast. As she sang more and more the tears fell more and more.
I am so proud of her.
She is going to be like her daddy, not afraid to get up in front of people. I am thankful for that. I have such a hard time getting up in front of people. I hope she never does and never has to go through what I do when it's time to get up in front of others.
This is to cute and I loved steve's message this morning
I love that child WAY to much.
I love Ellie and she looked so cute in her little dress yesterday. I wouldn't worry about Ellie getting shy I don't think that word is in her vocabulary! lol!
Ellie amazes amaze me...God amazes me more every day...
Good for her! Wow, I could never do that, never had that kind of confidence even as a child...she's fantastic!
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