I didn't talk about it much yesterday because I didn't want Ellie to get anxiety and not be able to get to sleep. We went to bed at 8:10 and by 8:15 she was out, no worries there. Now for me it was another story. I went to bed and laid there for a little over 2 hours eyes wide open with anxiety for my little girl.
So 6:15 this morning came way to soon. We got up, got ready had breakfast and we were off. It was a foggy morning.
We had a great drive to school and traffic wasn't that bad. Here a couple of pics we took once we got there.
I dunno why she decided to put her bottom lip in her mouth. I think maybe she was a little nervous.
I gave Ellie a hug and told her that I was leaving and reassured her that she was going to have a great day full of fun.
I left and walked quickly to the car thinking the whole time, I can make it to the car before I break down. Then as I was pulling out there was Julie Evans. The tears were held back a little longer. I try so hard not to cry in front of anyone. I made it till I got home. Eli left for work and I kind of lost it a little and am even tearing up now. But I know she will have a great day and she will be ok. Someone will help her open her lunch and be there for her if she can't get her pants buttoned after using the bathroom.
I am really proud of her she was a big girl this morning. I think when we arrived she got nervous but she stood strong and I think maybe tried to be like mommy and not cry in front of her teacher or classmates.
This is a good thing and everything is going to be great.
I love my little tiger!
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