these are some pics of my little flower girl. everyone told ellie she looked like cinderella so she started introducing herself to the people she didn't know as ellie cinderella. she was so much fun this weekend. someone told her to make sure she threw all the petals so when she got to the end of the aisle and had petals left she decided that she needed to dump them out. the wedding was beautiful. and now ellie has 4 cousins that she didn't have on friday. it was a great weekend.
I like how she tilts her head to the side when she takes pictures as if she is thinking "dang I'm cute"!
She's absolutely adorable ... Ellie Cinderella. hehe
that top picture of ellie looking a little exasperated is HILARIOUS! seriously, i think it could win some kind of award! maybe you should submit it to "modern bride" or some publication like that!
this girl is just too darn beautiful...
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