Monday, March 12, 2012

Going through the motions...

From a blog I was reading:

"I was going through the motions of living...

swirling circles in dishes full of soapy water,
wiping sticky faces, holding babies close,
sweeping the floor a hundred times or more.

But I felt a disconnect in my spirit,
a heaviness like a whole brick load of sorrow.
It was an ache that wouldn't leave and the more I ignored it,
the louder it shouted.


I tried to push it down.
Life is demanding and doesn't have time for pain.
There's nowhere I can run to nurse these wounds.
Nowhere to hide when this house is always full and it needs me.

I knew it would catch up to me eventually--
when you're bleeding it's hard not to leave a trail."

Looking for a blog to read? Here is my new favorite, Beautifully Rooted.

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